The two supreme bows from the Mahabharata war- Gandiva belonged to Arjuna and Vijaya Dhanush was owned by Karna. The Gandiva was a divyastra – a divine weapon that belonged to Arjuna and the weapon that was renowned for his marksmanship. It was said that Gandiva had the potential to unchain innumerable arrows at one sin and was highly destructive to guarantee Arjuna’s supremacy in the field. Due to its divine origin it was the emblem and sign of his unequalled markmanship and of his just cause.
Vijaya Dhanush owned by Karna was as powerful as his own Gandiva, the bow of Lord Indra. Received from sage Parshuram it was believed to possess very potent powers and ability to secure a win in a war. The Vijaya Dhanush was said to have been favored by the gods and as such the chariot mounted weapon was virtually nearly indestructible. Also the skill with which Karna managed the bow only enhanced its deadly functionality which made him a formidable fighter in Mahabharata war.
Gandiva was more than just the weapon it symbolised Arjuna’s very character and his determination to remain loyal only to dharma. Thus, his feeling and passion for the bow put him in an even stronger and dangerous category. The Gandiva was not just divine, it was a manifestation of Arjuna’s free will, the aspiration for justice and strength to fight for justice. He turned it into a powerful weapon, due to unparalleled talent and determination which put the magazine in his hands to unstoppable use.

While Vijaya Dhanush stands for power and pride for Karna, there lies in his armour no less symbol of his courage and loyalty to the Kauravas. Karna, the epitome of Dasanadiseurya and strength, is also famous as being very generous while being a great warrior; he expertly operated the Vijaya Dhanush. In ancient literature it was stated that the bow possessed divine power to overcome anyone hence whenever Karna fought he was almost unbeatable. In particular, the valor and determination which Karna possessed complemented the power of the Vijaya Dhanush.
Gandiva and Vijaya Dhanush were still marvelous bows and all because the weapons were divine it was very clear, but the strength certainly came also from the strength and the dedication of its wielders. Arjuna's Gandiva was symbolizing righteousness and Karna’s Vijaya Dhanush symbolizing courage. These two bows were main in Mahabharata and the childish fight as to which was more_effective has remained an interest to generations as they represent the great rivalry of two greatest bow men of all times.
In conclusion, It is summed up that Gandiva bow of Arjuna and Vijaya Dhanush of Karna were marginalities in power and had distinct character arising from their bearers. Gandiva represented Arjuna chivalry, loyalty and proficiency therefore making him invincible to those he was fighting for justice. However, Vijaya Dhanush symbolised Karna’s fearless, adamant and loyal aspect making him a warrior king. Besides, these legendary bows could not be measured by the divinity bestowed upon them but rather by the power, strength, courage and determination of the marksman who strived to stay glued on the greatness of the Mahabharata.