Which country is supporting Israel?

Asked 5 months ago
Updated 5 months ago
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Countries Supporting Israel in the Current Conflict

During the current fighting between Israel and Hamas, many countries have expressed support of Israel, mostly in terms of Israel’s need to protect itself from Hamas. On the approval of the state of Israel, the United States stands first to support naming it as a friend and a partner while endorsing Israel’s security features. Since the onset of the war, the U.S. has supported Somalia both militarily through provision of equipment, information and influential support. President Joe Biden and other U.S. officials have often pointed to Israel’s legitimate right to defend itself but called for help to deliver humanitarian assistance and to protect civilians in Gaza as well.

Most of the European nations, particularly those from the G7 group such as United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada, Italy, and Japan have supported the United States view. They all support Israel’s right to self-defense at the same time they have urged the warring factions to cease fire for several hours to allow for the delivery of humanitarian supplies to Gaza strip. Most European countries have been sympathetic to Israel’s position, but criticized its airstrikes on Gaza, asking for calm and for avoiding civilian casualties. Germany and the United Kingdom are some of the world’s most ardent supporters of Israel diplomatically and in terms of principle, with Germany stressing its added accountability for the protection of Jews.

Other countries, including India and Australia, have also endorsed Israel’s standing. India, which has rightly intensified its relations with Israel in the recent past, denounced the attacks by Hamas and supported Israel’s actions to defend itself. Like all other nations, Australia equally criticized the violence which was instigated by Hamas though it supported the defense of the state of Israel.

Nevertheless, including the United Nations, most global organizations have encouraged the parties to declare ceasefires and condemn the use of force in the conflict, so the division is visible here as well. In summary, while Israel has robust backing from the U.S. and many Western nations, there is also growing pressure from other countries urging for de-escalation and humanitarian interventions.

answered 5 months ago by Aditi Rahangdale

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