Is Islam a threat to democracy? if so, why?

Asked 4 months ago
Updated 1 month ago
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Like any other religion, Islam is not a pre- booked ticket to defying democracy. Such a question arises due to misconceptions and misinterpretation that is associated with the real meaning of Islam and its so-called nature that is against democratic system of governance. As such, it is pertinent to decode religion and the teachings from religion and differentiate them from how political systems reiterate those teachings and slogans and what they mean or the functions that they are put to. Nonetheless, Freedom, equality, equity, and accountability of one’s rights and freedoms are concepts that are enshrined in Islam which are democratic in nature.

Phobia that has been attributed to Islam and democracy most of the time comes about from political groups who have religious conviction and use it to advance their agenda. In some countries, corrupted political Islamists pretend that they are the only legitimate representatives of Islam and establish totalitarian regimes at the same time. We can manipulate the Islamic teachings to enable the fact that veiling of freedoms and oppression of the opponents is Islamic, which continually strengthens the perception that Islam is adversative to democracy.

However, there is a very large number of countries where Muslims compose the majority and at the same time possess democracy. Turkey, Indonesia and Tunisia are prime examples of countries where democracy and Islamic civil law interact. These countries can testify that the religion of Islam is capable of working with democracy and the beaming teachings of Islam does not have preconditions to defeat the freedoms and rights of the democracy.

Also, one has to bear in mind that it is not the problem with Islamic system, what is wrong is the way current Islamic governments rule their countries. Some of the political leaders will appeal to religious tones in order to portray themselves as rightful authority in the state as well as to crack down on rebellion. This misuse of religion gives the impression especially to the external world that Islam is incompatible with democracy which is not the real position especially taking into consideration the vast diversification of opinion amongst the Muslim world today.

Due to political Islam interpretation of religion with political extremism, people are forced to think that there is no democratic system in Islam. Therefore, fundamental values of the Islamic states do not contradict basic concepts of the democratic states. Religion entails political manipulation that boosts an invariably distorted relationship between Islam and democracy.


In conclusion, Islamic peoples did not make a threat to democracy. This misunderstanding stems from the hadith and interpretation of the religious dogma mishandled Islam, as is understood and practiced in its restoration, is compatible with justice, equality, even rights and freedom, which are basic tenets of democracy. The issue is not in the religion per se but in the fact that some people make it a political or religious football. These facts explain why it is essential to encourage people to develop a complex and not a black-and-white picture of Islam and, respectively, a dialogue between the champions of Islam and promoters of democracy is possible and can provide a positive impact on the further evolution of the society and consolidation of its stability.

answered 1 month ago by Meet Patel

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