Who should be next Prime Minister after Narendra Modi?

Asked 28 days ago
Updated 18 days ago
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With Narendra Modi’s term effecting extensive political and economic transformations, the public shows great interest in who will follow as the next Prime Minister of India. Depending on outcome studies, alliances formed, and variations in community sentiment, successors may appear from the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) or opposition political forces. To lead India in the future, the leader has to navigate a playful assortment of economic difficulties, social problems, and ties to the international community.

Who should be next Prime Minister after Narendra Modi


BJP Leadership Prospects: If the BJP stays on top of Indian politics, the party might search for a replacement from its ranks for Modi. Minister of Home Affairs Amit Shah, a close partner of Modi, is frequently considered a likely choice. Thanks to his proven electoral strategy and policymaking background, along with his leadership in national security, his visibility has increased.

Yogi Adityanath is an additional option being looked at as the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. Honored for his tenacious loyalty to the rule of law and his strong links with the BJP's main audience, Adityanath is seen as a leader with a considerable amount of popular appeal, primarily for traditional electorates. Even if his problematic points on religious and social issues are correct, they could still quite possibly hinder his extensive acceptance.

Opposition Candidates: Rahul Gandhi of India's National Congress often appears, irrespective of the results of the last couple of elections. As Congress party leader, Gandhi shows a more central and secular strategy that stands in opposition to the political mindset of the BJP. Despite this, his leadership has struggled, and he will have to assemble a disorganized opposition to make a credible resistance.

Be sure to follow Mamata Banerjee, the Chief Minister of West Bengal and the head of the Trinamool Congress. A leader well-known for her powerful regional leadership and skill at bringing people together against the BJP, Banerjee might gain importance if the opposition unites around her.


Either the next prime minister from the BJP or the opposition will have an important role in steering the nation's future. The BJP might introduce representatives such as Amit Shah and Yogi Adityanath, in contrast to the opposition initiatives,, which depend on the work of Rahul Gandhi and Mamata Banerjee. The 2024 general elections, along with public opinion, will eventually decide who accepts this essential role.

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