Which river is the longest entirely within one country?

Asked 07-May-2024
Updated 28-May-2024
Viewed 270 times

1 Answer



The river that holds the title for being the longest completely inside one nation is the Nile River.

Which river is the longest entirely within one country

The Nile River plays had a focal impact on the improvement of civilization in the locale for millennia. Its fruitful banks have upheld horticultural exercises, permitting antiquated developments like the Egyptian and Nubian societies to prosper. Moreover, the waterway has filled in as a crucial transportation course, working with exchange and trade since forever ago.

Today, the Nile survives because of its huge significance to the nations it crosses, especially Egypt and Sudan, where it gives water to the water system, power, and other fundamental necessities. 

In outline, the Nile Riverholds the distinction of being the longest stream completely inside one nation, filling in as a help for a large number of individuals and assuming a huge part in molding the social, monetary, and ecological scene of the locale.

Read more: What is the world's longest river