What is the largest species of living arthropod?

Asked 10 months ago
Updated 10 months ago
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The largest species of living arthropod is the Japanese spider crab (Macrocheira kaempferi). This noteworthy shellfish can have a leg length reaching up to 12 feet (3.7 meters) from the tip of one hook to the next. In spite of its considerable size, the body of the Japanese bug crab is generally small, with a most extreme body width of around 15 inches (38 centimeters).

Japanese spider crab - Wikipedia

Japanese spider crabs are local to the waters around Japan, normally found at profundities going from 160 to 2,000 feet (50 to 600 meters). They occupy the Pacific Sea off the banks of southern Japan, especially around the island of Honshu. These crabs lean toward rough, remote ocean conditions where they can rummage for food. Their eating routine comprises principally of dead creatures and plant material, despite the fact that they are additionally known to eat live prey when accessible.

TheJapanese spider crab's long legs and significant size offer a few benefits. The drawn-out approach assists them with searching over a wide region without moving their fundamental body, moderating energy. The long legs likewise act as a guard system, making it hard for hunters to go after their body.

Regardless of their to some degree threatening appearance, Japanese spider crabs are not viewed as forceful towards people. 


Read more: What is the largest species of land mammal

answered 10 months ago by Baishakhi Ghosh

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