What is the longest mountain range in the world?

Asked 10 months ago
Updated 10 months ago
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The longest mountain range in the world is the Andes, traversing around 7,000 kilometers (4,300 miles) close by the western shoreline of South America. This extensive mountain range runs by means of seven worldwide areas: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina.

Andes - Wikipedia

The Andes are framed because of structural distraction close by the western edge of the South American Plate, in which it unites with the Nazca Plate toward the west. This structural crash has prompted the inspiration of the Andes north for a huge number of years, growing a muddled arrangement of pinnacles, valleys, and levels.

The Andes are perceived for their splendid biodiversity and various scenes, going from snow-covered tops to rich rainforests and bone-dry deserts. They are home to severa environments, which incorporate high-height meadows alluded to as páramos, cloud backwoods, and elevated tundra, helping a well-off exhibit of blossoms and fauna.

One of the most extreme and notorious abilities of the Andes is its numerous dynamic volcanoes, including Cotopaxi in Ecuador, Misti in Peru, and Villarrica in Chile. These volcanoes add to the land dynamism of the spot and are important for the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area of continuous seismic and volcanic interest.

The Andes have played a sizable role inside the social and old improvement of South America, filling in as a natural hindrance and passageway for human relocation, substitute, and correspondence. Native people groups alongside the Inca, Quechua, Aymara, and Mapuche have occupied the Andean area for bunches of years, leaving toward the rear of a rich tradition of social verifiable past and archeological sites.

Notwithstanding their social importance, the Andes are significant for water sources, giving freshwater to a huge number of individuals dwelling in the encompassing regions. The softening icy masses of the Andes feed severa streams and make a commitment to the water system of farming grounds, making them pivotal for both human vocations and environment security.


Read more: What is the tallest mountain peak in North America

answered 10 months ago by Amartya Singh

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