What is the only mammal capable of sustained flight outside the bat family?

Asked 10 months ago
Updated 8 months ago
Viewed 145 times

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The only mammal capable creature fit for supported trip outside the bat family is the Colugo, otherwise called the "flying lemur." In any case, it's critical to take note of that colugos don't really fly like bats or birds; all things considered, they coast. 

What flying mammals are there except bats? - Quora

Here are the central issues about colugos and their abilities to skim:

Floating System:

Patagium: Colugos have a huge film of skin called a patagium that stretches between their appendages, tail, and neck.

Skim Distance: They can coast for distances up to 70 meters (230 feet) or more, moving handily to explore through their wooded living spaces.

Nighttime Way of life:

Night Action: Colugos are nighttime, meaning they are dynamic around evening time. This assists them with keeping away from hunters and finding food all the more effectively.

Diet: Their eating routine chiefly comprises leaves, blossoms, and natural products. They have a specific stomach to process the extreme cellulose in leaves.

Deluding Name:

"Flying Lemur" Misnomer: Notwithstanding being called flying lemurs, colugos are neither genuine lemurs nor do they fly. The name is gotten from their ability to skim and their lemur-like appearance.

Transformative Variations:

Special Variations: Colugos have developed one of a kind skeletal and strong transformations to help their skimming way of life, for example, stretched appendages and a lightweight body structure.

Preservation Status:

Dangers: Colugos face dangers from territory annihilation because of deforestation and human infringement. Their protection status changes by area, yet living space conservation is essential for their endurance.

Logical Interest:

Developmental Importance: Colugos are of incredible interest to researchers concentrating on the advancement of coasting and flying warm blooded animals. Their interesting variations give experiences into the developmental pathways that can prompt airborne headway.


In rundown, colugos, frequently incorrectly named "flying lemurs," are the main vertebrates outside the bat family that can accomplish supported coasting.


Read more: What is the only mammal capable of powered flight

answered 8 months ago by Amartya Singh

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