What is the largest species of living reptile?

Asked 10 months ago
Updated 6 months ago
Viewed 194 times

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The greatest living crocodile is the saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus). This puzzling species is endemic to pungent water's regular environmental elements in spots like Southeast Asia, Australia, and the eastern coastline of India.

Saltwater crocodile guide: diet and where they live in the wild - Discover  Wildlife


Size and weight


Saltwater crocodiles can grow up to 23 feet (7 m), notwithstanding the way that they are typically 14-17 feet (4.3-5.2 m). They can gauge as much as 2,200 pounds (1,000 kilograms). These reptiles are known for their enormous size, making them the biggest and heaviest of every single living reptile.




Saltwater crocodiles are found in different living spaces, including waterways, streams, and seaside waters. They are profoundly versatile and can live in both new and salt water. This adaptability considers progress in pieces of Asia and Australia.


Conduct and diet


As top hunters, saltwater hunters have a different eating regimen that incorporates fish, birds, warm blooded creatures, and once in a while, different reptiles. They are known for their clandestineness and tirelessness, which are often areas of strength for conveying their prey. Their solid jaws and teeth grant them the ability to cut down colossal prey, making them maybe the most risky tracker in their normal. environmental factors.


Limit conditions


Despite their fearsome standing, saltwater crocodiles are a protected creature type in various regions in view of their normal environmental elements' hardship and poaching. Preservation endeavors have settled their populations; however, they stay weak in certain areas.


The saltwater crocodile remains a definitive living reptile, showing wonderful versatility, strength, and basic instincts. Its normal living space potential makes it a significant supporter of natural equilibrium.


Read more: Which country has the world's highest waterfall

answered 6 months ago by Sandra Emily

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