What is the most populous city in Africa?

Asked 21-Apr-2024
Updated 13-May-2024
Viewed 95 times

1 Answer



The most populous city in Africa is Lagos, Nigeria. Arranged in the southwestern piece of Nigeria along the Bay of Guinea, Lagos isn't hands down the biggest city in Nigeria yet, in addition to perhaps the quickest-developing metropolitan region on the planet. Its populace has encountered outstanding development in the past many years, energized by country-to-metropolitan relocation, regular populace increment, and financial open doors.

What is the most populous city in Africa

Furthermore, Lagos has various ventures, including finance, producing, innovation, diversion, and administrations, drawing in transients from across Nigeria and adjoining nations looking for work with amazing open doors.

Notwithstanding its monetary importance, Lagos faces various difficulties related with fast urbanization, including deficient lodging, gridlock, ecological corruption, and lacking public administrations. The public authority of Lagos State has been attempting to resolve these issues through different metropolitan advancement drives and foundation projects pointed toward working on everyday environments and improving the city's strength.

As Africa's most crowded city, Lagos proceeds to develop and adjust to the requests of its developing populace, remaining a lively and dynamic city that mirrors the intricacies and chances of metropolitan life on the mainland.


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