Can you explain the concept of inheritance in object-oriented programming?

Asked 0 years ago
Updated 11 months ago
Viewed 202 times

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Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows a class (known as the child or derived class) to acquire homes and direct from another class (alluded to as the decide or base gloriousness). This allows the making of progressive connections between examples, working with code reuse, and selling a secluded and arranged plan.

Legacy lays out a "is-a" dating between preparing, wherein the inferred polish is a particular variant of the base class. The inferred class acquires every one of the qualities (fields) and methods (capacities) of the base class, called the superclass, and can likewise frame extra ascribes and systems specific to its own personal ability.

OOPs: Inheritance and Polymorphism | by Mukesh Chaudhary | Medium

The sentence structure for forcing legacy fluctuates depending on the programming language anyway, and typically incorporates the utilization of the stretches out watchword to connote the parent class from which the youngster class acquires. For example, in Java:

class Animal {

    void eat(){

System.out.println ("Animal is eating...") ;



For this situation, the Canine class acquires the consume() procedure from the Creature class. The canine polish can likewise frame its own personal techniques, comprehensive of bark(), correspondingly to the acquired strategies.

Legacy advances code reusability with the guide of allowing generally normal usefulness to be depicted in an unmarried style and divided between several subclasses. It moreover works with polymorphism, a vital statute of OOP, wherein things of different preparation might be managed conversely principally founded on their normal superclass.

Notwithstanding, unbalanced or misleading utilization of legacy can bring about firmly coupled and convoluted progressive systems, making the codebase challenging to comprehend and keep. It's significant to utilize legacy wisely and pick organization over legacy when reasonable to harvest a more adaptable and particular plan.


Read more: What is object-oriented programming

answered 11 months ago by Baishakhi Ghosh

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