What to do if my computer keeps crashing?

Asked 11 months ago
Updated 10 months ago
Viewed 291 times

1 Answer



Experiencing frequent computer crashes can be disturbing and problematic for your efficiency. 

Why Does Your Computer Keep Crashing? Common Issues & Solutions

Notwithstanding, there are a few stages you can take to investigate and manage the trouble:

Check for overheating: Overheating can cause your PC to crash at the same time. Guarantee that your PC's darlings are running great and that the wind current around your PC is unhindered. Consider utilizing a cooling cushion or changing your PC's power settings to save you from overheating.

Update drivers: Obsolete or ruined device drivers can cause thought-process balance issues and crashes. Check for refreshes on your photographs card, chipset, network connector, and different equipment parts. You can regularly find major impetus refreshes at the producer's web webpage or through Windows Update.

Examine for malware: Malware contaminations likewise can prompt machine insecurity and accidents. Run a full trial along with your antivirus program to check for and remove any malware or other security dangers.

Check for circle mistakes: Plate blunders or horrendous areas to your extreme power can cause intention gadget crashes. Utilize the incorporated Windows Plate. Actually look at the gadget (chkdsk) to test and reestablish circle mistakes. Open Order Speedy as an executive and sort "chkdsk/f" joined by utilizing the strain letter (e.G., "chkdsk/f C:") and press Enter.

Update a working machine: Guarantee that your running machine is fully informed regarding the advanced security patches and vindictive program fixes. Windows Update or macOS Programming Update help you introduce advanced reports to your framework.

Check for equipment issues: Broken equipment parts along with Smash, intense drive, or power convey can cause thought-process device crashes. Run analytic appraisals to actually take a look at the wellness of your equipment parts and update any defective components, if significant.

Play out a framework reestablishment: In the event that your PC began crashing in the wake of putting in new programming projects or updates, you can endeavor a gadget fix to return your framework to a past solid country.


In the event that you've endeavored those investigating steps and your PC keeps up with to crash, it could show a more noteworthy serious equipment or program inconvenience. In such cases, remember looking for help from a master PC specialist or reaching the maker for help.


Read more: How to troubleshoot a frozen computer screen

answered 10 months ago by Baishakhi Ghosh

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