What happens after we die according to religion?

Asked 0 years ago
Updated 10 months ago
Viewed 254 times

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According to various religions, beliefs around what happens after death range broadly. 

What exactly happens after death according to Hindu scriptures? - Quora

Here is a short outline of a couple of perspectives:

Christianity: Christians consider the hereafter, wherein spirits are decided by utilizing God. The people who have normal Jesus Christ as their deliverer and resided in sync with Christian lessons are accepted to enter Paradise, wherein they experience everlasting ecstasy inside the presence of God. On the other hand, the ones who have dismissed God or lived in wrongdoing may likewise deal with everlasting repercussions in Damnation.

Islam: In Islam, the great beyond means a lot to standards. Muslims trust inside the Day of Judgment, in which all spirits are made a decision based absolutely on their religion and deeds. Those who've noticed Islam and carried on with equitable lives are compensated with a section into Heaven, in which they appreciate everlasting delight. On the other hand, the ones who've dismissed Islam or carried on with corrupt existences could likewise deal with repercussions in Damnation.

Buddhism: Buddhists trust in the pattern of rebirth, where spirits are reawakened into new bodies essentially founded on their karma (moves). The last expectation is to obtain Nirvana, a realm of edification and freedom from the pattern of resurrection. Arriving at Nirvana allows the spirit to get away from the pattern of battling and acquire profound flawlessness.

Hinduism: Like Buddhism, Hinduism additionally puts stock in rebirth and karma. Spirits are renewed into our bodies, principally based on their activities in past lives. The end design is to loosen up from the pattern of resurrection and get Moksha, a country of non-common freedom and union with the heavenly.

Judaism: Jewish standards roughly exist in the wake of death, changing among exceptional factions and translations. A few Jews trust in the hereafter where spirits are judged through God, while others consider more the significance of driving an equitable presence in the present in an inclination to hypothesize about eternity.


These are a couple of models, and convictions roughly in the hereafter range broadly across different religions and cultures. At last, beliefs roughly about what happens after the death toll are profoundly private and impacted by man or lady religion and social customs.


Read more: Why are there so many different religions

answered 10 months ago by Amartya Singh

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