How can I prevent the common cold and flu?

Asked 1 year ago
Updated 1 month ago
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Avoiding common cold and flu is rectified through the practicing of improved hygiene especially washing of hands. In washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, germs obtained from touching contaminated objects or coming into contact with infected persons is washed off. This simple habit decreases the risk of getting infected by viruses by a huge margin. If soap and water are not available then using an alcohol-based sanitizer with a 60% plus alcohol is ideal. Perhaps the most effective method of staying healthy is proper hand washing.

Boosting the ones of your immune system is as effective when it comes to protecting yourself from diseases. Eating a healthy diet involves taking foods with vitamins and minerals, fresh produce and lean proteins, and this keeps the immune system strong to fight off infections. Adding moderate exercise helps increase your blood flow and helps improve your immune system while sleeping 7-9 hours a night provides time for your body to heal. Collectively, these constitute elements of the so-called sound immunity.

Taking a vaccine is recommended as an ultimate measure to avoid flu. The flu vaccine is developed every year, presenting the highest probability strains which make it a powerful protection mechanism. Vaccination is very essential because some people are at higher risks compared to others such as children, elderly people and persons with diseases. The prevention is not just for you but also the reduction of flu transmission in society or someone’s environment.

Avoiding contact with other people who are ill is another important preventable measure that people should take. Since close contact increases the rate of virus spread reducing its occurrence particularly in congested areas remains a key measure. Wearing a mask helps amateurs cover their mouth and nose hence avoiding passing germs to others when coughing or sneezing. If you are sick, it’s most appropriate to avoid going to work or attending social functions because you can be spreading the disease to other people as well as you need time to get better.

This also contributes to minimizing the spread of germs, bearing in mind that a clean environment free germ hotspots is a reduced infringement of germ spacings. Thus, whenever possible, objects which people commonly touch, like doorknobs, phone, keyboard or countertops should be cleaned by using topical disinfectants. These viruses can survive on these surfaces for several hours, therefore cleaning processes are critical. This is enhanced by using disposable tissues and destroying them as soon as they are used also to avoid spreading of infections. Altogether, they are aimed at increasing its safety and health for people around, including yourself.


The common cold and flu are best prevented through some good hygiene practices, robust immune systems plus some right health practices. You can help build your body’s natural immunity by washing your hands more often, eating foods that are rich in nutrients, exercising and getting adequate sleep. Vaccination provides another level of defense; staying away from people who have colds or flu, as well as keeping a clean and healthy body will cut down exposure to germs. Such consistent efforts do not only protect your health but also do contribute to the health of your community.

answered 1 month ago by Meet Patel



Preventing the common cold and flu requires great cleanliness works on, keeping a solid way of life, and creating explicit preventive measures. 

How can I prevent the common cold and flu

Here are key ways of diminishing the gamble:

Great hand cleanliness rehearses:

Clean up often with cleanser and water for something like 20 seconds in the wake of hacking, wheezing or contacting objects, particularly openly puts.

Remain hydrated:

Drink a lot of water to help your safe framework work better and wipe out poisons.

Eat a reasonable eating regimen:

Food sources plentiful in nutrients C-D, zinc and cancer prevention agents are especially useful.

Work-out consistently:

Get customary activity to support your resistant framework and general wellbeing. Intend to practice for something like 30 minutes most days of the week.

Rest appropriately:

Ensure you get 7-9 hours of rest each night to help your insusceptible capability and generally speaking prosperity.

Overseeing Pressure:

Practice pressure alleviation methods like reflection, yoga, profound breathing, or your advantage in developing your safe framework.

Stay away from close contact with patients:

Stay away from patients, and try not to share individual things like dishes, towels and telephones.

Remain at home when you're debilitated:

Assuming you feel unwell, remain at home so you don't spread the sickness to other people and keep your body solid.

Get immunization:

Get an influenza immunization consistently to safeguard against the normal seasonal infection. Immunization is vital to counteraction.

By integrating these deterrent measures into your everyday daily schedule, you can altogether lessen your gamble of contracting and spreading bugs and influenza, subsequently working on your general wellbeing.

Read more: What are the symptoms of the flu

answered 8 months ago by Erick Wilsom

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