What are the dangers of untreated high blood pressure?

Asked 02-Mar-2024
Updated 18 days ago
Viewed 136 times

1 Answer


Life threatening complications develop from untreated high blood pressure or hypertension. When the blood force against the artery wall is always too high, this is a condition where blood vessels and the organs are constantly being damaged. If not properly managed, it puts a strain on your vital organs, in turn, raising your risk for heart disease, stroke and kidney damage.

Untreated hypertension is one of the greatest dangers to the heart. A problem with high blood pressure can make the heart work harder than it should, and that can enlarge it and lead to heart failure. It weakens the heart over time making it at all less effective in pumping blood to the rest of the body.

Life is also at increased risk of stroke. Damaging the blood vessels in your brain can make them more likely to rupture, or block, from hypertension. A stroke is a disruption in the blood supply to part of the brain following which brain cells die resulting in serious disability or loss of function. For those who don’t have their blood pressure under control, the chances of stroke are much greater.

What are the dangers of untreated high blood pressure

Uncontrolled hypertension can cause heart disease and stroke, and also harm the kidneys. High blood pressure can damage the ability of the kidneys to filter waste out of the blood. Over time that can develop to kidney disease or kidney failure that may need dialysis or a kidney transplant.

High blood pressure, untreated, also affects vision. It can damage the blood vessels in the eyes and give rise to a disease called retinopathy. This can end up in blurred vision and in severe cases — permanent vision loss. It is important not to have high blood pressure, and to regularly check their blood pressure and treat it when high.

Finally, untreated blood pressure can cause problems for your heart, brain, kidneys and eyes. Hypertension isn't just a condition requiring immediate treatment, the long term effects of hypertension encompass heart failure, stroke, kidney damage and loss of vision require monitoring and got immediate intervention. You can prevent these life threatening conditions through lifestyle changes, medication and by having regular check ups to manage your blood pressure. The early detection and treatment are important for maintaining health and preventing the devastating effects of treated hypertension.