To deactivate your Instagram account on an iPhone, you might follow those methods:

- Open Instagram Application:
Send off the Instagram application on your iPhone. Sign in to the record you want to deactivate in the event that you're not currently signed in.
- Go to the profile:
Tap on the profile symbol set at the most minimal legitimate corner of the presentation. This will take you to the page for your Instagram profile.
- Access Controls:
On your profile page, spigot on the 3 even strains (burger symbol) on the apex legitimate corner to open the menu options.
- Explore to Settings:
This will open the Settings Menu.
- Select Account Options:
In the Settings menu, spigot on "Account" to get to your record settings.
- Select "Temporarily Impaired Account":
Under the Record settings, spigot on "Temporarily Cripple Account." You can temporarily deactivate your account using this option.
- Give a reason and a secret phrase:
Instagram will request that you pick a thought process for deactivating your record from the other options provided. Select the most pertinent reason.
You could need to enter your secret word to check the deactivation system.
- Deactivate Record:
Subsequent to providing the explanation and secret key, spigot on the "Temporarily Cripple Account" button to deactivate your Instagram account.
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