Encountering a dark showcase screen with sound even as streaming Netflix might be baffling, but there are various investigating steps you might take to settle this trouble:

- Actually look at Organization Association:
Make certain that your gadget is connected to a reliable Internet connection. Test your web speed, the utilization of a gadget, and the gadget to ensure it meets Netflix's energized speed for streaming.
- Restart Gadget:
A simple restart can sometimes resolve short-term issues. Switch off your device, hang tight for two or three minutes, after which walk out on.
- Update the Netflix Application:
Make sure that your Netflix application is refreshed. Obsolete variants of the application could likewise experience similar inconveniences or bugs.
- Clear Reserve and Information (Android):
On the off chance that you are the user of the Netflix application on an Android device, you might have a go at clearing the application's store and information. Go to Settings for Applications for Netflix, Inc. Capacity and Clear Reserve/Clear Information.
- Check for framework updates:
Guarantee that your gadget's running gadget is forward-thinking. Malicious program fixes and enhancements that may resolve compatibility issues are common in system updates.
- Impair VPN or Intermediary:
These offerings may occasionally interfere with Netflix streaming.
- Attempt an alternate gadget:
On the off chance that the issue continues to happen, endeavor to stream Netflix on a particular gadget. This can assist with deciding if the difficulty is specific to one gadget or across all contraptions.
- Contact Netflix Backing:
On the off chance that not one of the above advances settles the issue, contact Netflix client support for also help. They can offer customized investigation steps or reinforce the issue if essential.
By following those means, you can ideally get up the issue free from a dark presentation with sound while streaming Netflix and experience continuous entertainment in your gadget.