What is the role of the G7/G20 in world politics?

Asked 17-Nov-2023
Updated 22-Dec-2023
Viewed 139 times

1 Answer


The G7 and G20 play distinct, yet intertwined, roles in world politics.

  • G7: This smaller, older group (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK, US) focuses on coordinating economic and security policies among major developed nations. Think of it as a "steering committee" for the globalized world they built. They tackle pressing issues like climate change, free trade, pandemics, and geopolitical tensions. However, their declining economic weight raises questions about their relevance in a 21st-century dominated by emerging powers.
  • G20: This larger, more diverse group (including G7 + emerging economies like China, India, and Brazil) focuses on shaping global economic governance and financial stability. It seeks to ensure inclusive growth and development that benefits all nations. Its broader representation gives it more legitimacy but also makes consensus-building more challenging.

Both groups face criticism for lacking accountability and democratic legitimacy, as their decisions impact billions without direct democratic input. Additionally, their effectiveness is often limited by internal disagreements and divergent national interests.

Despite these limitations, the G7/G20 remain valuable platforms for dialogue and coordination on critical global issues. They provide a space for major powers to find common ground, set agendas, and influence international norms. In an increasingly interconnected world, their role, though evolving, remains vital in navigating collective challenges.