How to debug code?

Asked 21-Oct-2023
Updated 24-Oct-2023
Viewed 210 times

1 Answer


A Debugger can help you find and fix errors, such as syntax errors, logical errors, or runtime errors. A debugger can also help you understand how your code works, by allowing you to step through it line by line, set breakpoints, watch variables, and evaluate expressions.

You need to have a good understanding of the system you are trying to debug. It helps not just in finding the bugs but also in fixing them without breaking something else.


It is considered to be an extremely complex and tedious task because errors need to be resolved at all stages of debugging. A better approach is to run the program within a debugger, which is a specialized environment for controlling and monitoring the execution of a program.


So here's some tips I've picked up that helps to all close up bugs quickly and easily!

  • 1) Always Reproduce the Bug Before You Start Changing Code.
  • 2) Understand Stack Traces.
  • 3) Write a Test Case that Reproduces the Bug.
  • 4) Know Your Error Codes.
  • 5) Google! Bing! Duck!
  • 6) Pair Program Your Way Out of It.
  • 7) Celebrate Your Fix.


  • Another common debugging technique is to use testing and logging tools. Testing tools allow you to write and run automated tests that check the correctness and quality of your code. You can use testing tools to prevent, detect, or reproduce errors, or to refactor and improve your code.
  • Debugging is an important part of determining why an operating system, application or program is misbehaving. Even if developers use the same coding standard, it's still likely that a new software program will still have bugs.