What is a low-fat diet?

Asked 18-Oct-2023
Updated 21-Oct-2023
Viewed 110 times

1 Answer


Dietary approach, which involves cutting the food containing higher level of fatty acids such as fat from diet, is known as the low-fat diet. A low-fat diet aims at reduced overall intakes of fat, especially saturated and trans fats considered harmful to one’s heart and weight.


  • A low-fat diet entails restricting fat intake to below 20-35% of total calories while maximizing carbs and supplementing them with proteins. Therefore, such foods should be consumed minimally or not at all, especially the ones high in fats such as fried foods, fatty cuts of meat, full-fat dairy products, and many processed snacks.

  • Rather, people on low- fat diets consume foodstuff that is inherently low in fat but high in nutrients and fibre such as fruits, vegetables, whole grain, and beans. Emphasis is also placed on lean protein sources such as skinless chicken, fish and even plant based proteins like Beans, pulses, and tofu etc.

  • Low-fat diets have attracted popularity because it reduces fat that leads to calorie counting which lowers chances of cardiovascular diseases. Nevertheless, the quality of carbohydrate consumed should be taken into account, and one needs to follow a well balanced and diversified diet for the intake of necessary vitamins and minerals despite following a low-fat regimen. Remember, talk to your doctor or certified nutritionist before you decide on your diet.