What are the causes of acid reflux?

Asked 18-Oct-2023
Updated 29-Feb-2024
Viewed 187 times

1 Answer



Heartburn, moreover called gastroesophageal reflux sickness (GERD), occurs while stomach corrosive streams lower back up into the throat, incurring disease and touchiness. 

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) - Symptoms & Causes |<img data-img-src='https://cdn-assets-eu.frontify.com/s3/frontify-enterprise-files-eu/eyJvYXV0aCI6eyJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJmcm9udGlmeS1leHBsb3JlciJ9LCJwYXRoIjoiaWhoLWhlYWx0aGNhcmUtYmVyaGFkXC9hY2NvdW50c1wvYzNcLzQwMDA2MjRcL3Byb2plY3RzXC8yMDlcL2Fzc2V0c1wvMjJcLzMzNzIzXC8wZTAwZGM0OTUxZGQwZDFkNDM5NTcyNmQ1N2ZlYjI5Ni0xNjQ2OTI0NjA2LmpwZyJ9:ihh-healthcare-berhad:6l6XLXEnp5R9CfYzQcSodji2gR1nyUyvx0OQso0Rn-4' alt='What are the causes of acid reflux' /><p> </p><p> </p><h4>A few elements can add to the improvement of heartburn illness:</h4><ul><li><strong>Hiatal Hernia: </strong>A hiatal hernia happens while the higher piece of the gut swells through the stomach into the chest hole. This condition can debilitate the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the muscle that normally keeps stomach corrosive from streaming lower once again into the throat, prompting heartburn.</li><li><strong>Powerless Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES):</strong> The LES is chargeable for staying off the throat from the midsection after dinners go through. Assuming the LES is helpless or unwinds unusually, it might permit midsection corrosive to reflux into the throat.</li><li><strong>Certain Food varieties and Refreshments:</strong> Fiery, greasy, or acidic feasts, notwithstanding caffeine, liquor, citrus perfection, tomatoes, onions, garlic, chocolate, and peppermint, are known to cause heartburn jumble side effects in certain people.</li><li><strong>Heftiness:</strong> Abundance body weight, specifically around the midsection, might develop at any point endure the stomach and debilitate the LES, making it substantially more possible for stomach corrosive to reflux into the throat.</li><li><strong>Pregnancy: </strong>Hormonal adjustments and extended resistance to the stomach at some stage in pregnancy can prompt heartburn problem side effects in certain women.</li><li><strong>Smoking:</strong> Smoking debilitates the LES and could increment corrosive creation inside the stomach, making individuals extra inclined to heartburn illness.</li><li><strong>Certain Prescriptions:</strong> A few restorative medications, alongside nonsteroidal calming cases (NSAIDs), ibuprofen, certain muscle relaxers, and certain circulatory strain restorative medications, can loosen up the LES or deteriorate the throat, adding to indigestion jumble signs.</li><li><strong>Resting Subsequent to Eating:</strong> Eating gigantic feasts or duplicity down immediately in the wake of eating can expand the opportunity of heartburn by utilizing permitting midsection corrosive to take the path of least resistance again into the throat more without issues.</li></ul><p>Generally, managing<strong> indigestion consistently involves way of life changes, alongside taking off trigger fixings, keeping a healthy weight, ingesting more modest feasts, deflecting resting in the wake of consuming, stopping smoking, and adapting to strain.</strong> Now and again, prescriptions or careful mediations can be supported to assuage signs and side effects and save you cerebral pains connected with heartburn illness.</p><p> </p><p>Read more: <a href=

A few elements can add to the improvement of heartburn illness:

  • Hiatal Hernia: A hiatal hernia happens while the higher piece of the gut swells through the stomach into the chest hole. This condition can debilitate the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the muscle that normally keeps stomach corrosive from streaming lower once again into the throat, prompting heartburn.
  • Powerless Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES): The LES is chargeable for staying off the throat from the midsection after dinners go through. Assuming the LES is helpless or unwinds unusually, it might permit midsection corrosive to reflux into the throat.
  • Certain Food varieties and Refreshments: Fiery, greasy, or acidic feasts, notwithstanding caffeine, liquor, citrus perfection, tomatoes, onions, garlic, chocolate, and peppermint, are known to cause heartburn jumble side effects in certain people.
  • Heftiness: Abundance body weight, specifically around the midsection, might develop at any point endure the stomach and debilitate the LES, making it substantially more possible for stomach corrosive to reflux into the throat.
  • Pregnancy: Hormonal adjustments and extended resistance to the stomach at some stage in pregnancy can prompt heartburn problem side effects in certain women.
  • Smoking: Smoking debilitates the LES and could increment corrosive creation inside the stomach, making individuals extra inclined to heartburn illness.
  • Certain Prescriptions: A few restorative medications, alongside nonsteroidal calming cases (NSAIDs), ibuprofen, certain muscle relaxers, and certain circulatory strain restorative medications, can loosen up the LES or deteriorate the throat, adding to indigestion jumble signs.
  • Resting Subsequent to Eating: Eating gigantic feasts or duplicity down immediately in the wake of eating can expand the opportunity of heartburn by utilizing permitting midsection corrosive to take the path of least resistance again into the throat more without issues.

Generally, managing indigestion consistently involves way of life changes, alongside taking off trigger fixings, keeping a healthy weight, ingesting more modest feasts, deflecting resting in the wake of consuming, stopping smoking, and adapting to strain. Now and again, prescriptions or careful mediations can be supported to assuage signs and side effects and save you cerebral pains connected with heartburn illness.


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