How to set privacy mode on WhatsApp?

Asked 29-Sep-2023
Updated 13-Jun-2024
Viewed 506 times

1 Answer


WhatsApp Privacy

WhatsApp offers various privacy features to help users control their personal information and conversations.

How to set privacy mode on WhatsApp


Way to set Privacy Mode on WhatsApp

There are several ways to set privacy mode on WhatsApp which are as follows,

Last Seen

You can control who can see when you were last online, if you want to set privacy on your last seen and online then Go to WhatsApp -> click on 3 verticle dots (top-right corner in Android phone) -> click on Setting ->Privacy -> then Last seen and online, Here you can select the appropriate option from Everyone, My contacts, My contacts except…(Restrict someone from contact to seen last online), and Nobody

Profile Photo

Determine who can see your profile photo. Navigate to WhatsApp -> Settings ->Privacy -> Profile photo. Here you can select the specific option from Everyone, My contacts, My contacts except…, and Nobody.


If you want to control who can see your “About” information on the WhatsApp, then set the privacy by following there steps. Go to WhatsApp -> Settings -> Privacy -> About. Select a specific option from Everyone, My contacts, My contacts except…, and Nobody to set the privacy mode.


You can also control your status on WhatsApp. follow the given steps, Go to WhatsApp -> Settings -> Privacy -> Status. Here you can select specific option from My contacts, My contacts excepts…, and only share with…

Blocked Contacts 

If you want to block specific contacts to prevent them from messaging or calling you. Open the chat with the contact -> tap on their name at the top -> scroll down and select “Block ContactName”.

Read Receipts 

Here you can Enable or disable read receipts, so senders know when you've read their messages. Go to WhatsApp ->Settings ->Privacy ->Read receipt. Turn this option on or off as desired.

Two-Step Verification 

The two-step varification adds the extra layer of security on you WhatsApp account. To enable this option, Go to WhatsApp ->Settings ->Account ->Two-step verification. Follow the prompts to set a six-digit PIN.

By adjusting these privacy settings, you can better tailor your WhatsApp experience to your preferences and privacy requirements.

Also, Read: How would you improve WhatsApp?