What gas do humans breathe out when they exhale?

Asked 1 year ago
Updated 1 year ago
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When breathing out, man exhales carbon dioxide. CO2 is a waste product made by the cells in the body when they burn food to produce energy. The body’s blood carries CO2 to the lungs where it is exchanged for oxygen from the air that we inhale through breathes. 

Carbon dioxidе (CO2) gas molеculе The composition of exhaled air is not the same as that of inhaled air. The exhaled air comprises about four percent carbon dioxide while the inhaled air comprises roughly 0.04% carbon dioxide. Exhausted air includes about fifteen percent oxygen while inspired air includes just around twenty-one percent of oxygen. The number of breaths we do depends on different factors which include level of activity, metabolism, and overall health. 

During exercise, our bodies produce more CO{2} than when resting. People who have some medical diseases such as asthma and COPD may have even more CO2. CO2 is a greenhouse gas and it traps heat within the atmosphere. It can also contribute to global warming and subsequent climate change. However, CO2 is naturally present in the earth’s atmosphere, and plants need it for photosynthesis.

answered 1 year ago by Saumya Mishra

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