What is the salary of an ISRO scientist?

Asked 24-Aug-2023
Updated 25-Aug-2023
Viewed 305 times

1 Answer


The salary of ISRO scientist depends on the several factors like experience of the scientist, qualifications, job roles and the location where they are working.

ISRO offers competitive salaries to their employees to boost their talent.

So if you are scientist or engineer it depends on your work.

Initial level salary - the starting level is 40000 to 60000 per month as it is the starting level for them.

Mid level salary - now you have the experience so your salary may increase accordingly from 70000 to 100000 per month or even more again it's on the work..

Senior level - and now of you are senior so your salary would increase from 100000 to more even more than 100000.

So these are salaries but it depends on the work and experience level you have. But it will change so it's good to check the ISROs official or the government notification for further details.