Why does Russia What was China their relationship like before World War II?

Asked 04-Jul-2023
Updated 05-Jul-2023
Viewed 327 times

1 Answer


The relationship between China and Russia has been a complex one throughout history. There have been periods of cooperation and friendship, as well as periods of conflict and rivalry.

Before World War II, the relationship between China and Russia was largely one of cooperation. The two countries shared a common enemy in Imperial Japan, and they worked together to resist Japanese aggression. In 1937, China and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact, and the Soviet Union provided China with military and economic aid.

Why does Russia What was China their relationship like before World War II

However, the relationship between China and Russia was not always smooth. There were a number of border disputes between the two countries, and there was also some ideological tension. The Soviet Union was a communist country, while China was not. This led to some disagreements about how to achieve communism in China.

Despite these challenges, the relationship between China and Russia remained strong before World War II. The two countries were allies in the war against Japan, and they worked together to build a new world order after the war.

After the war, the relationship between China and Russia began to deteriorate. The two countries had different views on the future of the world, and they began to compete for influence in Asia. In 1960, the Sino-Soviet split occurred, and the two countries severed diplomatic relations.

The relationship between China and Russia remained frosty for many years. However, in recent decades, the two countries have begun to improve relations. They have signed a number of agreements on trade, energy, and security. They have also worked together on a number of international issues, such as the Korean Peninsula and the war in Syria.

The relationship between China and Russia is still evolving. However, it is clear that the two countries are becoming increasingly important to each other. They are both major powers, and they share a common interest in maintaining regional stability. As a result, it is likely that their relationship will continue to grow in importance in the years to come.

In addition to the factors mentioned above, there are a number of other reasons why Russia and China have a close relationship. Both countries are authoritarian states with a strong focus on national security. They also share a common interest in opposing the United States and its allies. As a result, they have found common ground on a number of issues, such as trade, energy, and security.

The relationship between Russia and China is not without its challenges. There are still some lingering tensions between the two countries, and they have different views on a number of issues. However, the overall trend is towards closer cooperation. As the two countries become increasingly powerful, their relationship is likely to become even more important in the years to come.