How many nuclear submarines does each NATO country have currently at sea?

Asked 03-Jul-2023
Updated 03-Jul-2023
Viewed 331 times

1 Answer


NATO countries with nuclear submarines currently at sea:

  • United States: 14
  • United Kingdom: 4
  • France: 4
  • Turkey: 1

These nuclear submarines play an important role in NATO's deterrence strategy. They are capable of carrying nuclear weapons, and their presence at sea serves as a warning to potential adversaries that NATO is prepared to use nuclear weapons if necessary.

How many nuclear submarines does each NATO country have currently at sea

In addition to their deterrent role, nuclear submarines also play a number of other important roles for NATO. They can be used for intelligence gathering, surveillance, and special operations. They can also be used to launch conventional cruise missiles against targets on land.

The nuclear submarines of NATO countries are a powerful force that helps to keep the alliance safe. They are a symbol of NATO's commitment to deterring aggression and defending its members.

Here are some additional details about the nuclear submarines of each NATO country:

  • The United States Navy has the largest and most powerful nuclear submarine fleet in the world. It consists of 14 Ohio-class SSBNs, which are armed with up to 24 Trident II D5 missiles each.
  • The United Kingdom's Royal Navy has four Vanguard-class SSBNs, which are armed with up to 16 Trident II D5 missiles each.
  • The French Navy has four Triomphant-class SSBNs, which are armed with up to 16 M45 missiles each.
  • The Turkish Navy has one Reis-class SSBN, which is armed with up to 12 JL-2 missiles each.

The nuclear submarines of NATO countries are a vital part of the alliance's security. They are a powerful deterrent against aggression, and they can be used to project power around the world.