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Technology used in Traffic Management. How?
Technology used in Traffic Management. How?

Technology plays a pivotal role in managing road and traffic systems with optimum resources available which makes our life smooth.

Implementation of facial recognition tech in Airports in the US
Implementation of facial recognition tech in Airports in the US

TSA is testing facial recognition technology at more airports and is also raising privacy concerns. Let's see what else is there.

2024 Datafication Triumph: Connected Devices and Human Interaction
2024 Datafication Triumph: Connected Devices and Human Interaction

The growing number of linked devices has accelerated due to datafication, which has made unthinkable levels of integration of data into our daily lives.

Explain the components used in ReactJS and its importance
Explain the components used in ReactJS and its importance

ReactJS, developed by Facebook, is a powerful library for building user interfaces, utilizing a component-based architecture to enable efficient web development

How the RestSharp library is better than others in .NET
How the RestSharp library is better than others in .NET

By offering a comprehensive solution for interacting with RESTful APIs, RestSharp empowers developers to build reliable and efficient .NET applications.

Best countermeasures to defeat deep fake videos
Best countermeasures to defeat deep fake videos

As deep fake technology continues to emerge, there are some countermeasures we can take to deal with the deep fake videos.