What is the rank of India in Organ Donation, as per Global Observatory on Donation and Transplantation (GODT)?

Asked 21-Feb-2022
Viewed 514 times


What is the rank of India in Organ Donation, as per Global Observatory on Donation and Transplantation (GODT)?

1 Answer


India presently ranks third in the globe in organ transplants, after only the United States and China, as per information released on the Global Observatory on Donation and Transplantation (GODT) portal.

The model of information on donation and transplanting is the most complete collection of global information on organ donors and transplant activities gathered from government sources, and also data on legal and organizational elements, to date.

What is the rank of India in Organ Donation, as per Global Observatory on Donation and Transplantation (GODT)?

The main targeted collaboration among the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as the Spanish Transplant Organization, Organización Nacional de Trasplantes (ONT), has been centered on the gathering of global data, which has led to the establishment of the joint ONT-WHO Global Observatory on Donation and Transplantation. This is the greatest example of a regular partnership between WHO and ONT, which complies with one of Resolution WHA57.18's criteria to gather data information and ethical problems.