When was the Rationalised Roman for Kashmiri written?

Asked 6 years ago
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When was the Rationalised Roman for Kashmiri  written?

1 Answer


 “Dr. R.L. Bhatt,” wrote the book ‘Rationalized Roman for Kashmiri’. The book was released on March 23, 2014. The book explains the method of writing the Kashmiri Language on the Computer System while using the ‘Microsoft Word’ or through the typewriter, without having the need for any special type of fonts.

When was the Rationalised Roman for Kashmiri  written?
In the book, he narrated the method of modifying the English Alphabets in such a way to write the Kashmiri Language on the Computer System. He claimed that his method will definitely help the young generation of Kashmir to follow the new technology but while using their Mother Tongue. He used the principle of Brahmi Alphabet to English letters to achieve the writing of Kashmiri language over the Computer System. The same method can be used for writing Hindi, Urdu, Dogri, and other languages as well.
The book is a vibrant initiative by the writer to preserve the Kashmiri language for the future generation who get to learn about the language afterward. The language is only spoken in Kashmiri valley so there are very few speakers. Hence, it requires to preserve the language. The Kashmiri Language is one of the Official languages of India from the 22 languages. In addition to this, from November 2008, the Kashmiri Language is made the compulsory subject in the schools’ study curriculum, all the schools up to secondary level have to add the Kashmiri Language in their syllabus.

answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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