The making of world biggest social networking site Facebook is just like the movie in which we always see things which are over from our expectation and larger than life. However, Facebook’s story is one of the most inspiring ones.

Coming to your question about whose idea it was? Yes, the idea of Facebook was of Mark Zuckerberg and his fellow mates Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes in Harvard University. But initially, Mark created a program naming Facemash which used to compare or you can say pole among the two pictures of students of the university asking “hot or not”.

Mark Zuckerberg was a keen programmer before Facebook, he created so many social networking for her his fellow students. In the year 2004 he officially launched Facebook and initially, it was limited to students and staff of Harvard University and within 1 day more than 1200 students created an account on this social network. Within a month more than half of the undergraduate students signed to Facebook.
Facebook went global
Though it was initially limited but after its immense success the limits were been removed and Facebook was opened up for higher education institutions in the Boston area, the Ivy League schools, and Stanford University.

Steadily Facebook was been supported by the youngsters from the different areas in U.S.A and in the year it was officially stated in the company rules and guidelines that anyone who is above 13 years in age can sign and use this amazing network.
There were even rumors that giant organization’s like Google and Yahoo showed their interest in purchasing for $2bn (£975m) and the offer was refused by Mark.
Legal accuse on Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg was even accused by Diya Narendra and the brothers Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss who have conjointly founded ConnectU for copying their ideas in regards with Facebook stating that Mark has worked for them as a computer programmer when they were studying in Harvard University.
But the case has been dismissed in the year 2007.
Wanna know what an idea could do? These are the current statistics of Facebook
Facebook holds 3rd rank on the list of top 10 used website in the whole world and has more than 2.2 billion active monthly users.

It is one of the biggest platforms for business or an activity Promotion there have been 16 million pages created on this platform after 2013. More than 5 billion pieces of content are been shared within a day. Facebook claimed that they earned around $10.2 billion last year.
Even I literally got astonished while researching but that how it goes when you have a correct approach towards your thoughts your ideas you will be praised in the whole world.
“A good idea becomes a great idea when you let it out”