How is technology a mode of revealing?

Asked 30-Apr-2022
Viewed 1326 times

1 Answer


How is technology a mode of revealing?
  • Science and technological advancements are the face of human civilization's progress. Technology is a form of revealing, according to Heidegger, because it reveals so much more about the human person and the universe. The truth will emerge as a result of this.
  • Technology, according to Heidegger, is a way of revelation: 'Technology comes to being in the arena where disclosing and unconcealment take place, where altheia, truth, takes place.' As a result, technology discloses the world's Truth, and disclosing is defined as something that gives or exhibits itself.
  • However, not all technology is created equal, and hence not all disclosing is created equal. Technology now is not the same as technology in the past. Phones are no longer only communication devices; they also include the tools we need to modify our bodies. Phones make it difficult to hide. When we capture a picture and change its content, we are converting the subject to the point of objectification.

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