What are the disadvantages of technology?

Asked 30-Apr-2022
Viewed 488 times

1 Answer


The disadvantages of technology:

What are the disadvantages of technology?

  • Unemployment: The advent of technology has resulted in a significant increase in unemployment. People are increasingly reliant on computers for all of their tasks, as well as for their very survival. This has resulted in increased unemployment, as a single computer is capable of performing the work of a large number of humans in a short amount of time.
  • Data security: Your data is no longer safe with you because there are those who understand how to exploit technology and have turned into hackers. They can hack your computer, bank accounts, office data, and much more using cutting-edge technology while sitting at home.
  • People are easily distracted; they are readily diverted by various gadgets rather than engaging in productive activities. Social media has kept teenagers, adults, and toddlers occupied, causing them to become sidetracked from their everyday tasks.
  • Health concerns: Today's society is so engrossed with technology that it has lost sight of its own health. This has a variety of consequences for their health. They suffer from vision issues, obesity, sleeplessness, and a variety of other ailments. Some folks can't sleep unless they're on their phones.

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