What are the types of civil suits in India against money?

Asked 3 years ago
Viewed 685 times


What are the types of civil suits in India against money?

1 Answer


Answer's summary

Mainly there are five types of civil suits that can be filed against the defendant. these are-

  •  Tort Claims
  •  Breach of Contract Claims
  •  Equitable Claims
  •  Class Action Claims
  •  Complaints against the city

What are the types of civil suits in India against money?


Law system deals with the two types of cases in India and also some other parts of the world in which the cases are divided into two parts.

  • Criminal cases
  • Civil cases

Here, the cases which are punishable and have the provision to punish the accused are known to have the nature of criminal cases. Or in simple words, we can say that the cases that have been filed under the jurisdiction of the Indian Penal Code 1860 are known as criminal cases.

Whereas civil cases are the branch of cases that dealt with the civil law and the cases in which the punishment is replaced with compensation and damages and it may include money and property and others as compensation from the defendant.

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Now here we will know little about the civil nature of law and the types of suits we have for our security.

In our everyday life if any person commits any wrong for hurting our property including body, family, physical and virtual too. We can bring a suit against such person as a Plaintiff (we) and the person against whom we want to file a case and will bring the suit is known as Defendant (he).

There are five types of civil suits in the Indian Law system which has been provided by the court to provide the legal remedy to the plaintiff. Those are-

  • Torts
  • Contract disputes
  • Class action cases
  • Complaints against the city
  • Equitable Claims.

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answered 3 years ago by Sanjay Goenka

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