Name the Indian Operation where an Anti-Satellite Weapon was Tested that made India the 4th country after the US, Russia, & China?

Asked 3 years ago
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Name the Indian Operation where an Anti-Satellite Weapon was Tested that made India the 4th country after the US, Russia, & China?

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Name the Indian Operation where an Anti-Satellite Weapon was Tested that made India the 4th country after the US, Russia, & China?

                             Mission “SHAKTI”, is the operation tested by India for an Anti-satellite weapon

India tested its first Anti-satellite missile (ASAT) on 27 March 2019 from Abdul Kalam Island. The operation for this test was named missile SHAKTI Where the Shakti represents power.  The main purpose of this missile was to hit the satellite which is present in the lower orbit of the earth with a kinetic full vehicle. The timing of this test is 11:10- 11:13(IST) this test was very important for the nation as it became the 4th country among all weapons. Having this technology of Anti-satellite weapon The name of them is the United State, Russia, and China.
This test utilized a modified Anti-satellite missile interceptor under the code-named Prithvi Defence Vehicle Mark -11 and it was developed under the project of XSV-1 With the help of this test, India said to all the enemy. That new India is the country that has the capabilities to destroy their attacks But India also realized that this is not enough to protect ourselves.
The test of this innovation by India also sparked the world forum of space and alerted the countries about the electrical garbage which will accumulate on the space, named as “ Space Debris” will be a large issue. On upcoming time And in this problem, India also presented the solution and said that this debris would not last for a long duration.
The target for this test was the Microsoft – R, a satellite launched by ISRO on 24 January 2019 for the purpose of this test Shakti In this test.
china’s view was apprising. he Said that we need to be more cautious about the test, He mentioned in this matter that “he reads the report of the test and he is hopeful that all the countries would maintain the tranquility in outer space.
Russia’s responded to this test and said “he is welcoming the test of the anti-satellite weapon by India'  and added  it was not an intended test to attack any countries satellites. Russia also invited India to join the Russian – Chinese proposal for a treaty against the weaponization of space.

answered 3 years ago by Sanjay Goenka

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