how many teaspoons in a tablespoon

Asked 17-Mar-2019
Viewed 605 times

1 Answer


Measuring ingredients accurately is an essential aspect of cooking and baking. One of the most commonly used units of measurement in cooking is the tablespoon. However, not everyone may know the conversion between tablespoons and teaspoons. A tablespoon is equivalent to three teaspoons.

One tablespoon is equivalent to 1/16 of a cup, which is also equivalent to 15 millilitres (ml) in the metric system. On the other hand, one teaspoon is equivalent to 1/48 of a cup, which is also equivalent to 5 millilitres (ml) in the metric system. To convert tablespoons to teaspoons, you multiply the number of tablespoons by 3. For example, 2 tablespoons are equivalent to 6 teaspoons.

It is important to note that the conversion between tablespoons and teaspoons is not only useful in cooking and baking but also in medicine. Many medications come in millilitres, but the instructions for use may be given in teaspoons or tablespoons. Therefore, it is important to know how to convert between the two units of measurement to ensure the correct dosage is taken.

how many teaspoons in a tablespoon

Additionally, it's important to note that teaspoon and tablespoon measurements are not standardized and may vary depending on the country or even the brand of measuring spoon you are using. Therefore, it's always best to check the measurement on the spoon or utensil you are using or use a kitchen scale to ensure accuracy.

In conclusion, understanding the conversion between teaspoons and tablespoons is an important aspect of cooking, baking, and even taking medication. Remember, one tablespoon is equivalent to three teaspoons, and when in doubt, it's always best to double-check with a measuring spoon or scale. With this knowledge, you'll be able to measure ingredients with precision and confidence, leading to delicious and successful recipes.