Can I activate the camera without turning on the light?

Asked 18-Sep-2018
Viewed 460 times

1 Answer


  • Some apps and tools, such as videoconferencing software, might automatically turn on your webcam when you launch them.
  • It's possible that you've been infected with malware or hacked. This happens when hackers obtain access to webcams or when uninvited guests enter virtual meetings.
  • To disable the webcam, cover it with a piece of tape. This can be troublesome if you require the use of your webcam. It's possible that the tape will leave a sticky residue on the lens of your webcam. A low-tack tape, such as painters masking tape, would be an excellent choice. Packing tape, double-sided foam tape, and any permanent tape should be avoided. Or you Can Disable permissions required to activate camera

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