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New organs made by Blood Vessels made with 3D-printed ice

Moulds of an organ's delicate blood vessel network can be made with 3D-printed ice, helping to overcome the intricacies of growing transplant organs in a lab.

What really means of brain implant? and its impact
What really means of brain implant? and its impact

Brain implants is one of the most revolutionizing discovery in the world of healthcare. It is not as common as other surgeries because of its complexities.

Vitamin B12: A Comprehensive Guide
Vitamin B12: A Comprehensive Guide

In a world where nutritional gaps are common, Well Health Organic Vitamin B12 emerges as a reliable solution. Its organic composition

Talking About Mental Health on Social Media: Breaking the Stigma
Talking About Mental Health on Social Media: Breaking the Stigma

In today's digital era, social media plays a significant role in our lives, offering a space for self-expression, connection, and building communities.