What kinds of technology are you most excited about?

Asked 30-Apr-2022
Viewed 674 times

1 Answer


Kinds of technology are you most excited about

What kinds of technology are you most excited about?

  • Connectivity: This is the idea of connecting everyday objects to the Internet so that they may be controlled remotely and programmatically. Consider lightbulbs, toasters, air conditioners, and other household appliances. While this is already happening with items such as Nest thermostats and Amazon's Echo voice command device, it is estimated that 25 billion linked 'things' will be in use by 2020.
  • Battery Advancements:The world owes a debt of gratitude to entrepreneurs like Tesla Motors for the arrival of futuristic batteries. The sleek Tesla Powerwall home battery charges from solar panels, provides backup in the event of a power loss, saves homeowners money, and promotes sustainability.
  • Technology that acts as a beacon which are low-energy Bluetooth devices, have the potential to transform the way people shop and travel. Beacons, which are already appearing at big businesses and museums, connect integrated apps with portable electronic devices like smartphones and tablets.

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