Difference between android and other operating systems?

Asked 14-Apr-2022
Viewed 687 times

1 Answer


Difference between android and other operating systems?
  • Both Android and Windows are excellent operating systems that work with a variety of smartphones and tablets. Both operating systems have millions of users around the world and differ in terms of features and specifications.
  • Google creates and distributes Android, while Microsoft creates and distributes Windows. Because of their low prices, Android phones have been quite popular in the market since the beginning, and many companies are marketing Android handsets. Android is a free operating system, whereas Windows is a closed-source operating system.
  • There are only a few manufacturers for Windows Phone, and most of the devices are substantially more expensive. The main disadvantage of the Windows operating system is that it only receives updates from Microsoft, and the programmes available for it are limited.
  • In comparison to the Windows operating system, the Android operating system receives updates from a variety of sources, and there are many more Android apps accessible.

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