What are the advantages of multithreaded programming in Operating System?

Asked 04-Apr-2022
Viewed 348 times


 What are the advantages of multithreaded programming in Operating System?

1 Answer


The advantages of multithreaded programming in Operating System:

What are the advantages of multithreaded programming in Operating System?

  • Sharing of Resources A process's resources, like as memory, data, and files, are shared by all of its threads. Using resource sharing, a single programme can have many threads running in the same address space.
  • Responsiveness-Multithreading allows a programme to run even if part of it is halted by programme responsiveness. If the process is conducting a lengthy operation, this might also be done. For instance, a multithreaded web browser can use one thread for user interaction and another for picture loading at the same time.
  • Multiprocessor Architecture is Employed-Multithreading allows each thread in a multiprocessor architecture to run in parallel on a different processor. This raises the system's concurrency. This is in stark contrast to a single processor system, which can only operate one process or thread at a time.
  • Economy-Threads are more cost-effective since they share process resources. Processes, on the other hand, are more expensive and time-consuming to develop because they demand more memory and resources. The overhead of creating and managing processes is substantially larger than that of creating and managing threads.

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