- SMP (symmetric multiprocessing) is a type of computer processing in which many processors share the same operating system and memory. The processors in symmetric multiprocessing share the same input/output (I/O) bus or data route. All of the processors are controlled by a single copy of the operating system.
- Massively parallel processing (MPP) systems, in which multiple users access the same database in a relatively basic set of transactions, are more suited for online transaction processing than SMP systems. SMP systems, unlike MPP systems, can dynamically balance workload among computers in order to service more users faster.
- A multiprocessor hardware and software architecture with several identical processors is known as the SMP computer architecture. The CPUs have equal access to main memory and all I/O devices. Most current operating systems now support SMP machines. To use SMP in the past, users had to learn unique programming abilities.
What is SMP in Operating System?
Asked 04-Apr-2022
Viewed 376 times
What is SMP in Operating System?