Is Reddit's "Sorry, this post was removed by Reddit's spam filters." form of censorship?

Asked 24-Feb-2022
Viewed 3259 times


Is Reddit's 'Sorry, this post was removed by Reddit's spam filters.' form of censorship?

1 Answer


  • Yes it is Form of Censorship
  • If you're not liked or singled out, Reddit will delete and mark as spam any of your posts it doesn't like, even if they don't break any rules or are about sensible topics. On all of your postings, you will see a message similar to the one below.
  • 'The Spam filters of Reddit have removed this post. The automated bots on Reddit routinely filter postings that they believe are spam.'
  • You'll be trolled, and spiteful mods will leave horrible insulting comments up while removing yours.
  • Some of the subreddits' mods are unpleasant and vengeful. They will ban you without telling you why, and then go on to delete all of your postings, even if there was nothing wrong with them, rather than just the one.

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