“Radio Ujala Punjab,” is the radio channel of which Central Jail?

Asked 21-Feb-2022
Updated 21-Feb-2022
Viewed 485 times

1 Answer


Praveen Kumar Sinha, the Additional Director General of Police for Prisons, opened the Ludhiana Central Jail's radio channel, 'Radio Ujala Punjab,' which would be administered solely by convicts; the radio station was established in collaboration with the India Vision Foundation.

To keep criminals at bay, the Ludhiana Central Jail now has its radio station, 'Radio Ujala Punjab,' which was opened by the assistant director-general of police (ADGP, jail) Praveen Kumar Sinha. The primary goal is to restore and remove anti-social characteristics. In society, prisoners risk estrangement and isolation. Providing a congenial environment and adequate welfare chances within the jail would aid in keeping convicts away from the criminal community.

“Radio Ujala Punjab,” is the radio channel of which Central Jail?

Only inmates will administer the radio station, and those who will serve as 'Radio Jockeys' have already completed a three-day training course. Six more Punjab jails will receive radio stations in the following days. The radio station was established in collaboration with the India Vision Foundation, a pioneer in the implementation of several reformatory initiatives in jails.