Telegram says too many login attempts. How long should I wait? Can I recover it before 24 hours?

Asked 31-Jan-2022
Viewed 499 times


Telegram says too many login attempts. How long should I wait? Can I recover it before 24 hours?

1 Answer


Using another device to work in Telegram will not function if you use anonymizers and similar tools to get over the restriction. It is likewise ineffective to reinstall the application.
  • On the screen, the error 'Too many tries' displays; this is the system's action to block the user's phone number, not the IP address.
  • As a result, knowing the cause for the limitation is critical to regaining access to your account.
  • This could be a temporary lock caused by questionable user behaviour, but it's simple to fix. Or, for a more serious purpose, spam punishment.
  • After that, go to Storage.
  • After that, you must Clear the Data. You must also Clear Cache.
  • Go to the permissions tab. From here, you must enable all rights.
Your problem will undoubtedly be fixed if you do so.

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