How can I login on to Telegram? It says too many attempts.

Asked 31-Jan-2022
Viewed 290 times

1 Answer


Steps to fix it:

How can I login on to Telegram? It says too many attempts.

  • Go to the Settings section of your phone.
  • After that, look for Date and Time. Then select Auto.
  • If it's already on, turn it off first, then turn it back on. Then turn on Airplane Mode in your phone and turn it off after a minute.
  • Then navigate to the Play Store App. Look for the Telegram App in the App Store. If there is a new version, install it first.
  • If your problem remains unsolved, move on to the next stage.
  • Go to the Settings section of your phone.
  • App Manager is the go-to app manager. Then look for the Telegram app and open it. After that, go to Storage. After that, you must Clear the Data.
  • You must also Clear Cache. Go to the permissions tab.
  • From here, you must enable all rights.
  • Your problem will undoubtedly be fixed if you do so.

Read More: How can I stop saying too many attempts to get the original telegram?