Why does my iPhone have no sound after it got wet and how can I fix it?

Asked 15-Dec-2021
Viewed 391 times


Why does my iPhone have no sound after it got wet and how can I fix it?

1 Answer


Steps to fix it:

  • After that, place the iPhone on a paper towel or a very dry towel and pat it down to remove any remaining moisture. Another thing to keep in mind is to take out the SIM card.
  • Put the iPhone in the resealable bag with the rice and seal it. Then you'll need to find a cool, dry location, such as a cupboard or pantry. To get the most out of it, keep it in there for 20-30 hours.
  • To avoid the iPhone from overheating, keep it a safe distance away from the hairdryer. This process can be repeated numerous times to guarantee that all moisture is removed by the hairdryer. Make sure your iPhone is turned off before proceeding.
  • Insert the end cotton wool buds into the docking/charging area as well as the headphone jack area to eliminate any water.

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