- Get the most recent version of BlueStacks App Player.
- Continue with the installation of the BlueStacks App Player on your PC or Laptop after the download is complete.
- Open the BlueStacks App Player's App Store, which allows you to effortlessly download external applications to your emulator.
- Look for WhatsApp and install it using the BlueStacks App Player.
- When you first launch the WhatsApp app on your BlueStacks app player, you'll be prompted to finish the signup process.
- To get access to WhatsApp without a QR code, enter your phone number and finish the signup process.
- Create a new chat by tapping the symbol in the top right corner, or easily reply to current chats.
- In the Contacts application of the BlueStacks App Player, import your existing contacts.
Read More: Why can’t I download my friend's WhatsApp profile?