why pakistan always compared with india

Asked 4 years ago
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 why pakistan always compared with india

 This is true that Pakistan government and India government never share any kind of activities or a topic which is currently highlighted in the society although they do have many similarities in culture. Any other country will not compare them but Indian’s always want to associate themselves with Pakistanis because they are much developed and stable than Pakistanis.

According to my observation on internet or media some Indians are always trying to link themselves with Pakistanis whereas Pakistanis are least bothered about this. Whatever the topic or a field like games, singing, dancing, acting, modelling Indians are always try to prove themselves that they are the best and no doubt that they are... Even in film industry Pakistanis wants to come and settled here and want to try their luck in Bollywood a second biggest film industry.
No doubt Pakistanis are good looking people and taller. Female actresses of Pakistan are also very beautiful and talented.
Indians know Pakistani is ancient India which is home to all important ancient Indian civiliZation and the very first Indian cities.
The name India too springs from Pakistani river Indus. India means region of Hindus hence Bharat calling itself as India is incomplete without Pakistan as true and ancient India lies in Pakistan. So people got to link themselves with each other.
Vedas, Indian culture and Hinduism was formed in Hindustan at that time it was neither India nor Pakistan. The traditional India Sardars or Punjabis, its founder and important religious temples are in Pakistan.
Some of the mathematician and scientists were from this soil.
Famous lovers like Heer Ranjha, Sohni Mahival, Mirza Sahib, Sashi Pannun was from this land.
Ranjeet Singh, Bhagat Singh and Sufi saints and many famous poet were from this land too.
Many more other reasons too but i feel you bought the thought why people struggle to associate themselves with each other because all of them want to unite them but their government don't. So as you can see this land which is Hindustan now India and Pakistan and its people are very special to everyone and each individual people have his or her own reason to link themselves with each other.

answered 4 years ago by Palak Anjum

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