What is Receipt Budget?

Asked 17-Feb-2020
Viewed 955 times

1 Answer


What is Receipt Budget?

The Receipts Budget of a particular financial year includes various sources of income and various kinds of receipts. There are two categories of income for the government - Capital Receipts and Revenue Receipts consisting of tax revenue and non-tax revenue.

The receipts of the government through different types of taxes such as corporation tax, personal income tax, wealth tax, sales tax, custom duties, excise duties, service tax, etc. are collectively referred to as tax revenue, whereas interest receipts, fees/user charges, rents, etc. constitute non-tax revenue.
The capital receipts are loans raised by government from public such as market loans, borrowings from Reserve Bank ans others through sale of treasury bills, loans received from foreign Governments and financial bodies, as well as recoveries of loans from State and Union Territory Governments and other parties.

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