what is difference between cognizable and non cognizable offence in india

Asked 5 years ago
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what is difference between cognizable and non cognizable offence

1 Answer


what is difference between cognizable and non cognizable offence in india

Any act done against society is usually called crime. Some rules and regulations are made to run a human society and any act against them comes under the category of crime. The person who commits the crime is called a criminal. The study of crime, criminality, the nature of the offender, and the correction of the offender is done under criminology.

We live in society and crimes occur in society, so we have a direct relationship with them. When who, and what kind of crime can come, it cannot be said, so it is necessary for a common man to have a broad basic understanding of crime. Crime has been identified as two types of cognizable and non-cognizable offenses: Cognisable offense and Non-Cognisable offense
Cognizable offense

The definition of the cognizable and non-cognizable offense is given in sections 2 (c) and 2 (l) of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC 1973). Section 2 (c) of the Act states that an offense in which the police can arrest a person without any warrant is a cognizable offense. Police have the right to arrest without warrant in cognizable offenses.
What are the cognizable offenses
If you want to know what are the cognizable offenses then you have to see Schedule 1 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC 1973), which lists murder, rape, dowry murder, kidnapping, rioting, etc. as cognizable offenses. Here you will get the complete list of cognizable crime. Crimes of serious nature are included in this list.
Non-cognizable offenses

Section 2 (l) of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC 1973) states that offenses in which the police do not have the right to be arrested without a warrant are known as offenses. What are non-cognizable offenses: We can understand undetectable offenses with few examples.

 What are the non-cognizable offences
For example, provoking someone's religious sentiment with a few words is an unacceptable offense and Section 298 of the Indian Penal Code states that in this crime the police will not be able to arrest without any warrant. But section 296 of the Indian Penal Code states that if any kind of obstruction is made in any religious gathering, place of prayer, it will be a cognizable offense.
Similarly, according to Section 312 of the Indian Penal Code, getting someone to have an abortion comes under the category of non-contraband. Apart from this, offenses like giving false evidence, cheating, defamation are categorized as non-cognizable offenses.

answered 4 years ago by Adriana Michele

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